
Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Current Guitar Setup

Guitar-My guitar is a 1997 Ace Frehley Gibson Les Paul Signature. It comes with the classic Ace Frehley signature on the 12th fret, thunderbolt fret inlays, and his face on the head stock. The guitar has three humbucker pickups which makes this guitar just scream and play smoothly.

Amplifier- For an amp I use a Line 6 Spider 3 30 watt guitar amplifier. It has 4 preset channels- Clean, Crunch, Metal and Insane. I usually play on the insane mode with a high treble and gain with low mids.

Effects Pedal- For a effects pedal I use my Digitech RP300 multi effects pedal. It's basically every pedal you could ever need built into one. It has over 100 pedals and you can change and modify the order and even the effects/sound they make. The pedals range from simple distortion and wahs to tremolos and other crazy sounding presets.

     For strings I usually use Ernie Ball Slinky Cobalt 10-46's. I use a  Levi's Original No.1 Stretch guitar strap with flame graphics. For picks I usually use Jim Dunlops Tortex edition. Overall I love the setup I'm currently using for playing guitar!
Tanner out...

My Top 5 Pet Peeves

     There is a lot of things that irritate and bug me. I've came up with the top 10 I cannot stand the most. Here they are!

1- Nails on a chalk board. I cannot stand this sound! The feeling let alone is enough to send shivers down my spine! YUCK

2- People who smack their gum or food. The sound makes me want to rip my own hair out! I find this incredibly annoying!

3- Know-It-Alls. Not only are these people never wrong, they're also usually full of themselves. I cannot stand them!

4- Bad table manners. People who eat overly loud and slurp their food like it's their last meal. They don't use the words thank you or please. Yet another thing that rattles me!

5- Attention Seekers. People who will do just about anything to get someones/everyone's attention. They embarrass themselves and others; and I find them a pet peeve of my own.

     Overall there is a lot of things that rattle my chain but these are my top 5.

What I Would Eat For My Last Meal

     If I was told I would die tomorrow and could have any meal for my last I know exactly what I would eat. I would choose 1 lbs of honey garlic and 1 lbs of sweet chili chicken wings from The Docks in Bayfield. I would also choose a side of nachos loaded with all the extras and jalapenos. For a drink I would choose a chocolate milkshake with whip cream and a cherry. For desert I would choose a peanut butter pie; also from The Docks. If you cannot tell by now, The Docks is my favourite restaurant. I would definitely dine there for my last meal. Tanner out..

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hello Kitty Photoshop


Pantera's lead guitarist (Dimebag Darrell) playing a Hello Kitty signature guitar. Metal has no limits. #firstpost